Counseling Center


Erin Woodard
Counselor (6th/7th/8th Grade)
Phone: 541-265-6601 ext. 104


Emily Gore
Counseling Secretary/VP Secretary/Athletics
Phone: 541-265-6601 ext. 105

Counselor’s Corner

My name is Erin Woodard and I am the full-time counselor here at Newport Middle School. I recently moved to the area from Washington and am so excited to be a part of the community. I can’t believe I get to see the Pacific Ocean right out my window! 

I earned my Masters of Education in Professional School Counseling at City University of Seattle. I previously worked in lots of roles in lots of schools as a substitute teacher.  I really like working with middle school students and my goal is that all students learn the value of being themselves. I want to celebrate their successes with them and help support them through any struggles. I want all students to feel included and be successful both academically and socially.

I primarily work with students in small group settings and individually, as needs arise.

As well as being a school counselor, I am also a mom. We love discovering new sites to see and visiting the beach as often as we can. I have become an Oregon rockhound and am always on the lookout for a glass float.

I am thrilled to be a part of the awesome staff here at Newport Middle School. Go Cubs!


Newport Middle School Counseling Program

Vision Statement:
The vision of Newport Middle School Counseling Program is our students are life-long learners through having a growth mindset. Able to set both personal and professional goals and have the skill set to meet those challenges. Becoming independent, resilient, and productive citizens in a global society.

Mission Statement:
The mission of Newport Middle School Counseling Program is to provide comprehensive support for the social, emotional, academic and future forward (college and career development) needs of ALL students. This support embraces the belief that all students have dignity and worth. To be preventative when possible to build skills for student success, and to be responsive when necessary to the developmental and situational concerns as they arise. Partnering with parents, staff and community members to support students in developing into lifelong learners and productive members of society.
